Season 1 Rewind of the Creating Superfans Podcast

The Creating Superfans Podcast: Season 1 Rewind

Since I just wrapped season one of the Creating Superfans podcast, I decided to put together a SUPER helpful rewind so you can go back and listen to some of your favorite episodes! I categorized the episodes using my SUPER Model framework so you can easily find the topics you’re interested in.  I’m so excited to start working on season two with even more insightful guests. If you want to nominate someone (or yourself!) to be featured in an episode, fill out the form at the bottom of this page.  S: Start With Your Story EPISODE 17: HoW TO CREATE A STANDOUT RETAIL EXPERIENCE WITH DAWN CRAIG About Dawn Craig: Dawn is the Owner and CEO of Finnleys, a boutique that carries trendy, but affordable clothes, accessories and gifts for women and men of all ages.  Episode Highlights: My favorite quote:   “Pretty things, great people, good vibes. It is where we go to look for when we’re doing any new projects, when we’re thinking about issues that come up, and just really thinking in those buckets. And it’s evolved over the years. I didn’t start with that in mind, but I do think it encapsulates us, and we came up with that motto together as a team.” Listen here. EPISODE 18: HOW TO CULTIVATE BRAND LOVE WITH DR. AARON AHUVIA About Dr. Ahuvia: Dr. Ahuvia is a professor of marketing at the University of Michigan Dearborn and the author of The Things We Love: How Our Passions Connect Us and Make Us Who We Are. Episode highlights: My favorite quote: “In order to love anything, your unconscious mind has to treat it as if it is a person.” Listen here. EPISODE 19: HOW TO DEVELOP YOUR PERSONAL BRAND WITH RORY VADEN About Rory: Rory is a New York Times bestselling author, Half of Fame speaker, and co-founder of the Brand Builders Group. Rory helps mission-driven messengers become more well-known and make more impact. Episode highlights: My favorite quote:  “You are most powerfully positioned to serve the person you once were.” Listen here. U: Understand Your Customer’s Story EPISODE 2: HOW FIZZAH RAZA CREATES THE ULTIMATE CLIENT EXPERIENCE About Fizzah:  Fizzah is a Nashville-based portrait and branding photographer who empowers women to own their beauty and power through her services. Episode highlights: My favorite quote:  “I went from thinking of it as ‘I sell portraits, or I sell branding photos,’ to ‘I sell an experience and I’m selling confidence and empowerment.’…My service might be photography, but how do I sell that experience? How do I help my clients transform?” Listen here. EPISODE 6: BALANCING TECH AND HUMAN TOUCH WITH JOE WELU About Joe: Joe Welu founded Total Expert from the basement of a real estate office in 2012. He saw a need and created the first enterprise-grade experience platform purpose-built for the modern financial services industry. Episode highlights: My favorite quote:  “Let’s ground and agree on the fact that – as a lender, organization, financial services – you want to be the trusted lifelong partner for that customer for all of the important financial decisions that they make that align with the product set that you have. So if you believe fundamentally that you want to be that trusted lifelong partner, you have to be able to tie back all of the technology to ‘is it helping us get closer to that goal or is it a distraction?’ So we try to simplify it with that premise.” Listen here. EPISODE 15: WINNING DIGITAL CUSTOMERS WITH HOWARD TIERSKY About Howard Tiersky:  Howard is the CEO and Founder of FROM, a digital transformation agency that helps companies go from where they are, to where they need to be. He’s the author of Winning Digital Customers: The Antidote to Irrelevance, one of the Top 10 Digital Transformation Influencers by IDG Magazine, and one of the Top 100 Customer Success Strategists by Success Coaching. Episode Highlights: My favorite quote:  “The way you aim transformation has to be through the lens of the customer to really be effective. Why? Because why are we transforming again?” Listen here. EPISODE 20: HOW TO CREATE A CUSTOMER-CENTRIC LOYALTY PROGRAM WITH ALIX STEINBERG This episode was one of three Brittany & Alix specials this season. Alix is my right-hand who helps me with tons of things behind the scenes, including brainstorming topics for my newsletters. We decided to do a deeper dive into one of my newsletter topics: creating customer-centric loyalty programs and tiered pricing structures. Episode highlights: My favorite quote:  “It can skew in both directions, right? Like you absolutely can turn something that would’ve been a neutral or positive experience into a negative by giving the same piece of swag to everyone. But you can also go too far in the other direction and make someone feel bad when you don’t curate it at all.” Listen here. P: Personalize EPISODE 5: CONNECTING WITH YOUR AUDIENCE ON TIKTOK WITH HILARY BILLINGS About Hilary:  Hilary is the co-founder and CEO of Attentioneers Agency. A self-proclaimed “engineer of attention,” Hilary is a viral video expert that helps brands drive exponential growth on TikTok. Episode highlights: My favorite quote:  “DuoLingo… it is now the go-to translation, linguistic app for Gen-Zers. And that’s because it found a way to entertain and relate to them on a platform in a way that they want to be connected with. And it’s bringing that brand’s value, brand affinity, up exponentially because they have agreed to play the game in a way that makes sense for them and their customer base.” Listen here.  EPISODE 13: DISRUPTING THE MOVING INDUSTRY WITH RON HOLT About Ron Holt:  Ron is the founder and CEO of Pink Zebra Moving, a company that is on a mission to disrupt the moving industry. Taking inspiration from brands like the Savannah Bananas, he’s designed a magical experience for his customers that he’s working to replicate across the country. Episode Highlights: My favorite quote:  “We’re walking in someone’s home for half a day before

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